Are you already familiar with design thinking and would now like to further enhance your knowledge? Would you like to gain even more confidence when using your design thinking tools in projects? You can do both in our design thinking coach training.
This design thinking training gives you all the skills and tools you need to successfully design and manage projects. Boost your customer-centric perspective, train your creative thought processes, and create real innovations that motivate people. Discover also how you can use AI in the design thinking process.
You can then bring a new sense of drive to your projects – and inject fresh innovative strength into the entire company.
Please note: Basic knowledge of design thinking and initial practical experience are required for this training. This content will not be repeated. If you are not familiar with the methods and tools of design thinking, we would ask that you first attend our design thinking seminar.
Group vote on selection e.g.:
Group vote on selection e.g.:
Group vote on selection, e.g.:
Group vote on selection, e.g.:
Group vote on selection, e.g.:
Group vote on choices, e.g.:
Group vote on selection, e.g.:
"Creative, Innovative, Practical."
"Very instructive topic in a stimulating atmosphere, conveyed by pleasant trainers..."
"It doesn't get more agile than that."
"Creative, Innovative, Practical."
"Very instructive topic in a stimulating atmosphere, conveyed by pleasant trainers..."
"It doesn't get more agile than that."
"Creative, Innovative, Practical."
"Very instructive topic in a stimulating atmosphere, conveyed by pleasant trainers..."
"It doesn't get more agile than that."
Neben dem Zertifikat erhältst du auch ein digitales Badge zur Bestätigung deiner neuen Kenntnisse. Damit kannst du deine Weiterentwicklung direkt mit deinem persönlichen Karrierenetzwerk (z.B. LinkedIn) teilen.
Basic knowledge of the design thinking method. At best you attend our design thinking seminar with a 50% discount in combination with the training.
We will be happy to provide you with a non-binding offer. Simply write to us at
We need the name of the participant(s), the date and the desired event(s).
We have not had our training certified. We collect the preferences of the participants before and during the training and adapt modules according to these wishes as needed. In this way, we also work directly on the agile product. No institute allows such a customer- and user-centered adaptation of the content.
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Praxisnahes und ganzheitliches Konzept
Zukunftsrelevante, inspirierende Lerninhalte für eine nachhaltige Weiterentwicklung
Von Expert:innen geleitete interaktive, multimediale Präsenz- und Online-Formate
Zuverlässige Ansprechpartner:innen für deine Anliegen vor, während und nach dem Training
Für Rückfragen oder eine persönliche Beratung stehen wir euch gerne zur Verfügung.
Kontaktiert uns direkt oder nutzt das Kontaktformular.
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Shaping the Future with Agile Coach Training
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Discover better ways to develop products and services