Training to become an Agile Coach can give your career a real boost! With this, you position yourself as an important guide for the future success of companies and as a central interface for teams, leaders, and management. Our Agile Coach training consists of five two-day learning sessions, which take place either in-person or live online. In these sessions, you benefit from exchanging ideas with other participants and deepen your knowledge with the support of our experienced trainers. You will focus on current topics for Agile Coaches, such as guiding leaders through transformation, fostering an agile mindset among all employees, or raising awareness of new technologies like artificial intelligence (AI). We help you develop practical skills, reflect on your experiences, and grow together with the training group. Between the learning sessions, you will have access to our learning platform with all the necessary materials, e-learnings, and literature recommendations for individual and group tasks. Our blended learning approach combines interactive learning with self-study to promote long-term retention while also offering you flexibility. In addition to the learning sessions and e-learnings, we offer three 90-minute live online transfer sessions. These evening events give you the opportunity to exchange ideas with other Agile Coaches.
Do you still have questions? Just book a spot in our free Agile Coach Intro session and get all the information you need!
"If you want to inhale agile mindset, you can do it here in every minute!"
"Key concept, consistently applied. Great, diverse team of participants."
"Outstanding quality of coaches."
"If you want to inhale agile mindset, you can do it here in every minute!"
"Key concept, consistently applied. Great, diverse team of participants."
"Outstanding quality of coaches."
"If you want to inhale agile mindset, you can do it here in every minute!"
"Key concept, consistently applied. Great, diverse team of participants."
"Outstanding quality of coaches."
Neben dem Zertifikat erhältst du auch ein digitales Badge zur Bestätigung deiner neuen Kenntnisse. Damit kannst du deine Weiterentwicklung direkt mit deinem persönlichen Karrierenetzwerk (z.B. LinkedIn) teilen.
No prior knowledge is necessary. Everyone starts with different skills.
Between the modules you will work on individual or group tasks, which take about 2-5h per module.
We have not had our training certified. We collect the preferences of the participants before and during the training and adapt modules according to these wishes as needed. In this way, we also work directly on the agile product. No institute allows such a customer- and user-centered adaptation of the content.
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Praxisnahes und ganzheitliches Konzept
Zukunftsrelevante, inspirierende Lerninhalte für eine nachhaltige Weiterentwicklung
Von Expert:innen geleitete interaktive, multimediale Präsenz- und Online-Formate
Zuverlässige Ansprechpartner:innen für deine Anliegen vor, während und nach dem Training
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