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Das ist Michael

  • Project & Product Management, Transformation, Process Optimization
  • Professional Scrum Product Owner & Professional Scrum Master; Process Manager (ibo)
  • Agile software development in the financial sector & for public authorities
  • Banker & Bachelor of Arts Business Administration

If you want something new, you have to stop doing old things!


As a consultant and coach at Brainbirds, Michael works closely with managers and experts and combines methods from both classic and agile project and process management to achieve the best possible success for teams and companies. For more than ten years, Michael has been dealing with topics relating to digital transformation projects and the challenge of implementing them efficiently and effectively. He not only accompanies corporations from the insurance and banking sectors on their path of digital change, but also supports medium-sized companies and start-ups in finding their sustainable and future-proof agile business organization. Over the course of his career, Michael has repeatedly worked in hybrid teams and is an enthusiastic user of collaboration tools such as User Story Mapping, Event Storming, Domain Storytelling etc. for the interactive design of workshops.

Practical Experience

In addition to his work for Brainbirds, he moved to a young IT start-up in agile software development and thus also completed a role change to service provider. Since then, he has supported customers as a Business Analyst, Product Owner, Scrum Master and Project Manager in mastering their challenges, while also taking on personnel responsibility as a manager and mentoring young talents. Based on this experience, Michael has been supporting founders and entrepreneurs in organizational development and the implementation of digitalization projects since 2021.

Education / Qualification

Michael has his roots in the banking sector. As part of his training and his part-time business administration studies (Bachelor of Arts Business Administration, FOM Düsseldorf | Master of Science, FOM Frankfurt a. M.), he learned classic process and lean management and all the important basics of structural and process organization. The importance of agile corporate management was made clear to him early on in practice, as both the financial crisis and the euro crisis dominated the market during his time at the bank, causing the speed of change to increase exponentially. With the integration of Dresdner Bank into Commerzbank, Michael accompanied the cultural and technological transformation of two large corporations and experienced how digitalization and agility can suddenly take on a central role in a long-established company. By switching to IT consulting, he found his way to IT.


In addition to living digitalization, Michael is also a friend of cultivated enjoyment, which is why he has been running a gourmet goods store together with friends as a project close to his heart since 2021. In his free time, Michael enjoys traveling with his wife. His favorite spots include the Tyrolean Alps - whether on foot, by mountain bike, motorcycle or on skis - and "Bella Italia".


Agile Working
Project Management
Product Management
Process Optimization

