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Bild von Thorsten

Das ist Thorsten

  • Product & Project Management
  • Agile Trainer, Consultant & Systemic Team Coach in hybrid environments
  • PMI, PMP & Agile Certified Practitioner
  • Certified Scrum Master & Product Owner
  • Graduate Engineer in Electrical Engineering

It is the unknown waiting for me around the next corner that drives me.


Thorsten supports and accompanies teams and companies on their path to greater agility for Braibirds. Inspired by his work as a mountain bike trainer, he focuses on trial and error in a protected space. His motto: learning becomes understanding through experience. He therefore works a lot with playful approaches, such as Playing Lean, Lego Serious Play and Minecraft Scrum, in order to generate direct experiences that his participants can draw on again and again in their everyday lives. An agile mindset is particularly important to him. When choosing tools and methods for teams and companies, Thorsten is flexible and pays attention to their individual needs.

Practical Experience

Thorsten has many years of experience as a project and product manager in a variety of companies. He has worked in corporations, family-run small businesses and start-ups in various industries. His ability to adapt quickly to new situations and act pragmatically, coupled with his extensive knowledge of project and product management and his technical background, makes him a valuable consultant and trainer.

Education / Qualification

As a graduate electrical engineer, certified online facilitator, systemic team coach and mountain bike trainer at the DAV, Thorsten has continuously expanded his skills. His expertise in working with international teams and integrating experiential approaches into the virtual space confirms his ability to combine technical and methodological skills to promote innovative solutions.


Thorsten lives in Darmstadt and uses his free time to live out his passion for mountain biking. Although the Alps are far away, he also finds ways to pursue his hobby in the north.


Project Management
Agile Working



Agile methods seminar

Your starting signal for agile thinking and working

  • 2 Tage
  • Lvl. 1 – Grundlagen
  • Keine Vorkenntnisse notwendig
  • ab €1,190.00zzgl. Ust.
Agile project management seminar

Dynamic approaches for agile project management

  • 2 Tage
  • Lvl. 1 – Grundlagen
  • Keine Vorkenntnisse notwendig
  • ab €1,190.00zzgl. Ust.
Scrum master training

Scrum masters and product owners – the future of project management

  • 2 Tage
  • Lvl. 3 – Experte
  • Keine Vorkenntnisse notwendig
  • ab €1,190.00zzgl. Ust.
OKR seminar

Give guidance, provide security, and ease workloads with the OKR seminar

  • 2 Tage
  • Lvl. 2 – Vertiefung
  • Keine Vorkenntnisse notwendig
  • ab €1,190.00zzgl. Ust.