Master the challenges of the modern working world and proactively shape your future with seven essential skills. Sounds enticing? Our toolbox offers you a selection of these seven future skills: self-management, understanding complex problems, creativity, resilience, empathy, communication, and entrepreneurial thinking. This means you have the freedom to choose which skills you want to learn. With each skill, you expand your toolkit, which you can apply directly in both your private and professional contexts. This sharpens your competency profile and opens up new opportunities. Each skill is practice-oriented, scientifically supported, and aligned with current developments in the working world.
Skill process
Each skill is completed over a period of 4 weeks, following our blended learning approach: To ensure effective learning, we combine synchronous with asynchronous learning. Through e-learnings and individual and group tasks, you independently acquire the theory and practice of each skill. You can freely allocate your learning time. Synchronously, you deepen your knowledge of the skill in our transfer session. Here, you work with trainers to develop the core content of the skill.
We ensure that self-directed learning and practical exchange in the interdisciplinary group blend perfectly. A crucial aspect for us is the sustainable transfer into your job practice: In each skill, you reflect on your current status and receive intensive feedback on how to further develop your competencies. This guarantees added value for yourself, your team, and your company.
"Thanks to the self-management skill, I can now use different methods to prioritize and structure my tasks in a daily work context and also share them with my team."
"The learning journey taught me that leadership is not necessarily about specialist knowledge, but about dealing empathetically with your employees and involving them in your decisions"
"Anyone who is offered a learning opportunity like this should take advantage of it, because it's a great way to develop and be better equipped for the future."
"I particularly liked the fact that we were able to manage the tasks flexibly, so that we could integrate it perfectly into our everyday work and it was a lot of fun!"
"Thanks to the self-management skill, I can now use different methods to prioritize and structure my tasks in a daily work context and also share them with my team."
"The learning journey taught me that leadership is not necessarily about specialist knowledge, but about dealing empathetically with your employees and involving them in your decisions"
"Anyone who is offered a learning opportunity like this should take advantage of it, because it's a great way to develop and be better equipped for the future."
"I particularly liked the fact that we were able to manage the tasks flexibly, so that we could integrate it perfectly into our everyday work and it was a lot of fun!"
"Thanks to the self-management skill, I can now use different methods to prioritize and structure my tasks in a daily work context and also share them with my team."
"The learning journey taught me that leadership is not necessarily about specialist knowledge, but about dealing empathetically with your employees and involving them in your decisions"
"Anyone who is offered a learning opportunity like this should take advantage of it, because it's a great way to develop and be better equipped for the future."
"I particularly liked the fact that we were able to manage the tasks flexibly, so that we could integrate it perfectly into our everyday work and it was a lot of fun!"
Kontaktiere uns und wir helfen dir gerne weiter.
You can catch up on group work independently. For the Transfer Sessions, we will organize selected make-up dates if there is sufficient demand.
The training is designed so that you can easily integrate everything into your workday routine. A skill is covered within 4 weeks. You need a total of 12 hours per skill, which is about 3 hours per week for all independent (e.g., e-learnings, assessments, & nudges) as well as joint learning elements (e.g., group work and transfer sessions).
No, no prior knowledge is required. Just be open to new impulses and perspectives. What you should bring: interest and motivation for self-directed learning and transfer into the company as well as about 3 hours per week for your learning journey.
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