Discover how Artificial Intelligence (AI) can reshape your innovation projects! This seminar is ideal for beginners with little AI experience as well as for seasoned innovators and industry experts who want to boost their creativity and efficiency. In just two days, you'll dive into the world of AI and learn through real examples and the latest tools how to enhance the innovation process and increase your innovation potential.
The seminar focuses on practical application and will give you a comprehensive understanding of how AI transforms the innovation cycle from idea generation to prototyping and testing. You'll learn to use cutting-edge technologies and methods to boost your innovative power, optimize user experience, discover new opportunities through data-driven insights, and expand your competitive edge.
Whether you're taking your first steps in innovation or want to expand your existing expertise, this seminar opens up a world of creative solutions and groundbreaking innovations.
“A comprehensive overview with many practical examples, great tips & tricks”
“High professional level (content, materials, trainer), learned a lot of new things and gained new perspectives, great dynamics in the group!”
“Very practice-oriented. I found the exercises very good for understanding and experiencing the content better.”
“A comprehensive overview with many practical examples, great tips & tricks”
“High professional level (content, materials, trainer), learned a lot of new things and gained new perspectives, great dynamics in the group!”
“Very practice-oriented. I found the exercises very good for understanding and experiencing the content better.”
“A comprehensive overview with many practical examples, great tips & tricks”
“High professional level (content, materials, trainer), learned a lot of new things and gained new perspectives, great dynamics in the group!”
“Very practice-oriented. I found the exercises very good for understanding and experiencing the content better.”
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Discover better ways to develop products and services
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Realizing innovations with trained design thinking coaches
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Understanding user needs, developing and testing innovative solutions
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