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Bild von Stephan

Das ist Stephan

  • Innovation & New Work
  • Innovation development & design methods
  • Agile Coach, Scrum Master, Product Owner, Systemic Organizational Development/ Consulting
  • LEGO Serious Play Facilitator

Your good idea gave me a great idea


At Brainbirds, Stephan is an expert in user-centered development processes - both in terms of content and methodology. His focus is on the content-related application of innovation development, Design Thinking, Design Sprints and Lego® Serious Play®, especially for team, organizational and idea development. He always looks for the right methods from his portfolio to support the work/project. As a trainer, coach and organizational developer, he lives by the premise "practice what you preach" and focuses on the participants rather than the methods in order to provide optimal support. His in-depth expertise in working on ideas and products is cross-industry, as the underlying methods are the same. Equality and participation are also central to his approach: he creates a safe and informal atmosphere in his training sessions in which all participants can be authentic and contribute according to their experience and skills.

Practical Experience

In addition to his methodological knowledge, he also has a great deal of experience as a founder in the practical implementation of innovation projects and the development of teams and organizations. Stephan passes on the knowledge he has gained in teaching assignments at the ZHdK Zurich, the University of St. Gallen and as host of the Usability Testessen in Zurich and Berlin. Stefan has accompanied and supported cross-industry customer projects at Google, Mobiliar, Roche, Vitra, Deutsche Telekom and various governmental and non-governmental organizations.

Education / Qualification

Stephan studied Urban Planning and worked as a researcher at the Hasso Plattner Institute/ School of Design Thinking. After his Design Thinking training, he conducted research in the HPI Stanford Design Thinking Research Program on the "Role of Space in Innovation Processes". Stephan combines experimental and scientific analytical methods and is a strong advocate of qualitative research approaches. He has also successfully completed training in systemic organizational development at artop/HU Berlin. He is a certified Agile Coach, Scrum Master and Product Owner as well as LEGO Serious Play Facilitator.


As a trained urban planner, he is very interested in places, how people live together in them and the different (sub)cultures that emerge. Since becoming a father, he has also been concerned with education and educational equality in order to give everyone the same opportunities.


Innovation Development
New Work
Agile working



Design sprint workshop

Understanding user needs, developing and testing innovative solutions

  • undefined Tage
  • Fehler beim Laden des Preises
Design thinking seminar

Discover better ways to develop products and services

  • 2 Tage
  • Lvl. 2 – Vertiefung
  • Keine Vorkenntnisse notwendig
  • ab €1,190.00zzgl. Ust.
Design thinking coach training

Realizing innovations with trained design thinking coaches

  • 3 Tage
  • Lvl. 3 – Experte
  • Vorkenntnisse erforderlich
  • ab €2,290.00zzgl. Ust.