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Bild von Fritz

Das ist Fritz

  • Innovation, Collaboration, New Work, Strategy & Leadership
  • Many years of management experience in the ICT and FMCG environment (10+ years)
  • Startup Founder & Advisor
  • Lecturer at university of applied science in the field of Collaboration, New Work & Innovation

You are only as good as the decision you make.


Fritz is a trainer for innovation development, New Work and leadership at Brainbirds. He ensures that clients and participants make better decisions. He has pursued this goal throughout his career, whether as a retail executive, project and process manager, senior and interim manager, startup founder or trainer. Today, he mainly focuses on impulse workshops and training in the areas of innovation, modern collaboration models and New Work. Fritz works on a project basis and helps both start-ups and young managers to progress as a mentor and advisor. He also lectures at the Kalaidos University of Applied Sciences in Zurich in various formats. He attaches particular importance to empathizing with his counterpart. Coupled with his knowledge from different roles, this enables him to act as a generalist at eye level with both call center agents and CEOs.

Practical Experience

After studying economics in Germany, he began his corporate career in retail at Metro AG. In Switzerland, he switched to the ICT sector in 2009 and at Sunrise he accompanied and structured the expansion from under 40 to over 110 stores, but also drove the introduction of customer centricity, the development of employee learning journeys and other transformative projects. He founded his first start-up in 2015 and added his own innovation agency in 2018. Since then, he has also worked as a freelance trainer in various sectors such as retail, consumer goods and telecommunications.

Education / Qualification

He obtained his Diploma (FH) in Economics at the University of Cooperative Education Karlsruhe.


In his free time, Fritz is a board sports fan. Whether on a surfboard or snowboard, he prefers to be out in the world. He feeds his mind with non-fiction books on subjects such as brain research, decision-making, social psychology and similar topics. As a rational person, this is the greatest field of learning for him and fulfills him greatly.


New Work



Design thinking coach training

Realizing innovations with trained design thinking coaches

  • 3 Tage
  • Lvl. 3 – Experte
  • Vorkenntnisse erforderlich
  • ab €2,290.00zzgl. Ust.