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Das ist Martin

  • Agile Working, Project Management, Innovation & Leadership
  • Versatile digital leader with over 7 years of expertise as a freelance Coach & Trainer
  • Business economist & business information scientist
  • Certified OrgDesign Professional (EODF) & MasterCoach (DVNLP)

Doing is like wanting - only more extreme


Martin is a coach, trainer and consultant with many years of experience in agile teams and organizations. He is passionate about two core questions: 1. how to design agile organizations that can be sustainably successful in the VUCA world? 2. how do you develop products that really strike a chord with customers and users?

Brainbirds training sessions with Martin are more than just knowledge transfer. With him, theory meets practice: as a coach and consultant, he leads transformation projects to success in a wide range of corporate contexts, from banking to the media and software industry. For him, it's all about doing things together and trying things out. He is convinced that value is only created when knowledge is applied.

Practical Experience

Martin has a lot of practical experience from his work in leading companies in the digital sector as a product owner, department head and COO. He therefore knows the typical entrepreneurial questions from his own experience and has learned a variety of ways to find the right answers to these questions through his training.

Education / Qualification

Martin is a certified OrgDesign Professional (EODF) and MasterCoach (DVNLP). He also holds certificates in Scrum, SAFe, Kanban and Design Thinking. During his studies, he successfully completed degrees in business administration, IT business administration, online marketing and innovation coaching.


Martin is a passionate (mountain) biker and enjoys being outdoors at any weather.


Agile Working
Project Management
Innovation Development



Design sprint workshop

Understanding user needs, developing and testing innovative solutions

  • undefined Tage
  • Fehler beim Laden des Preises
Agile methods seminar

Your starting signal for agile thinking and working

  • 2 Tage
  • Lvl. 1 – Grundlagen
  • Keine Vorkenntnisse notwendig
  • ab €1,190.00zzgl. Ust.
Agile project management seminar

Dynamic approaches for agile project management

  • 2 Tage
  • Lvl. 1 – Grundlagen
  • Keine Vorkenntnisse notwendig
  • ab €1,190.00zzgl. Ust.
Agile Coach Training

Shaping the Future with Agile Coach Training

  • 6 Monate
  • Lvl. 3 – Experte
  • Vorkenntnisse erforderlich
  • ab €4,450.00zzgl. Ust.
Scrum master training

Scrum masters and product owners – the future of project management

  • 2 Tage
  • Lvl. 3 – Experte
  • Keine Vorkenntnisse notwendig
  • ab €1,190.00zzgl. Ust.